Dental Implants

Dental implants offer one of the best and most natural-looking options to replace missing teeth. We provide Dental Implant and all-on-4 dental implant treatment services in Central Hong Kong.

Dental Implants 種牙/植牙
Table of Contents

What are Dental Implants and What materials are they made of?

Dental implants offer one of the best and most natural-looking options to replace missing teeth. It is an artificial tooth root made of titanium which looks like a screw and is both strong and light. The tooth implant is surgically inserted into the jaw to support a replacement tooth. Over time, the jawbone fuses with this titanium implant.

It comprises of three components:

  • Implant: The screw(root) that is placed inside the jawbone
  • Abutment(implant abutment): The connector that supports the crown
  • Crown: Ceramic cap placed on top of abutment

Do I need an implant for every missing teeth?

Absolutely Not, like if you have most of your teeth lost in any jaw, you can have ALL on-4 implants.

All-on-4 Dental Implants option

“All on 4 dental implants” purely means that a full arch of artificial teeth is supported by 4 implants only. This is a suitable restorative solutions for patients who lost all of the teeth on either upper or lower jaw. This is done by inserting 4 to 6 implants (according to the case) and fabricating a supported denture over these implants. For more details, please visit All-on-4 Dental Implants page.

Dental Implants 種牙/植牙

Why are Implants better than Dental Bridges?

Closest to replicating the look, feel, and function of natural teeth

  • No grinding of adjacent teeth
  • More Durable and longer life than bridges
  • Better aesthetics than bridges
  • Easier to maintain and clean with no food traps under the hanging bridge

Dental Implants Surgical Procedure

Number of Visits: 3 – 4 visits
Completion Time: 2 – 3 months
Recovery Period: 1 day

Step 1: Administering Anaesthesia

Give you anaesthesia: first they will apply a numbing gel on your gums and then inject the local anesthesia. If you  choose to undergo the surgery under sedation or general anaesthesia , your surgeon can provide that too.

Step 2: Gum Incision to Expose the Bone

They will make an incision over the gum which will help to expose the bone underneath so that your surgeon can place the implant.

Step 3: Preparing the Jawbone for the Implant

Next, they will Prepare the jaw to place the implant screw(root). The surgeon will use special instruments to drill a hole into the jaw just the right size to fit the implant.

Step 4: Placing the Implant Screw

Now your surgeon will carefully place the implant in the prepared place.(position)

Step 5: Closing the Gum and Securing the Implant

At last they will reposition the gum in and around the implant and  close the incision made with sutures(stitches) and seal the top of  implant with cover screw.

Step 6: Flapless Procedure Option

If there is enough bone the procedure can also be done flapless with minimum pain and discomfort.

Follow-Up After Surgery

After 6 weeks, when bone has healed, abutment (The connector that supports the crown) is placed on top of the implant. Our dentists will then take a scan impression to make either a crown, denture or bridge to fit on top of the abutment

The Prosthetic Phase

The initial stability of the implant is more important to determine the success of implant integration. the time allowed to heal varies with the density of bone around the implant and number of implant.

When  bone has healed abutment is placed on top of the implant  and our dentist will take scan impression to make either a crown, denture or bridge to fit on top of the abutment.

When to place an implant after extraction

  1. Immediate post-extraction implant placement.
  2. Delayed post extraction implant placement: if there is infection around the tooth root, we wait for 2 weeks -3 months after extraction for the bone to heal completely before implant placement.
  3. Late implant placement: Implant is placed after 3 months or more after extraction.

When a bone graft is required

If your jaw bone isn’t thick enough then you may need bone grafting before or during implant surgery.

Bone grafting is a procedure where bone tissue or similar substances are used to repair and rebuild the damaged bone. A bone graft can create a more solid base for implant. We use BIO-OSS(from switzerland)

For an implant to osseointegrate, it needs to be surrounded with a healthy quantity of bone for it to survive long-term.

Bone graft options may include a natural bone graft(taken from another location from your body) and a synthetic bone graft(bone substitute material).

Some cases you may need only a minor bone-graft which can be done during implant surgery but in some cases,  It may take several months for new bone to grow to support a dental implant after bone grafting.

Choose a Dentist

Dr. Mei M Chong 臧薇敏牙醫

Dr. Mei M Chong

Specialist in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
BSc (British Columbia), BDS (HK), MDS(OMS) (HK), MOMS RCSEd,
AdvDipOMS (HK), FHKAM (Dental Surgery), FCDSHK (OMS)
Speaks English, Cantonese, Mandarin

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Dr. George Fokas

Dr. George Fokas

Registered Dentist
Dental Surgeon DDS (Greece)
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (2004)
Credential: Dental Surgeon DDS (Greece)
Speaks English, Greek, German

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Dr. Ka Yee (Iris) Lau 劉嘉儀牙醫

Dr. Ka Yee (Iris) Lau

Registered Dentist
Bachelor of Dental Surgery of the University of Hong Kong (2006)
Master of Dental Surgery in Implant Dentistry of the University of Hong Kong (2011)
Speaks English, Cantonese, Mandarin

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Dr. LI Tik Shun, Dion 李廸信牙醫

Dr. LI Tik Shun, Dion

Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
DMD (Boston), MDS (OMS) (HK), AdvDip (OMS) (HK),
MOMS RCSEd, FCDSHK (OMS), FHKAM (Dental Surgery), PhD (HK) 香港大學哲學博士
Speaks English, Cantonese, Mandarin

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Book Your Dental Implants Consultation Today!

Contact us to schedule your Dental Implants consultation. Let us help you achieve the perfect smile with our professional services.

Frequently Asked Question

Is Implants A Very Lengthy Procedure?

Some people wonder, why dental implant surgery take so long but in reality it’s not a lengthy procedure. Dental implant placement procedure can be done as fast as in a single visit, But normally it is divided into following visits:

Consultation: CT scan and X-ray are done to check if you’re suitable for the dental implants procedure or not. Thus, the dentist will carefully plan according to the bone available and will make sure that none of the existing nerves get harmed.

Treatment: Once deemed suitable, the dentist will surgically place an implant. This takes around 15-20 minutes for one implant.

How Should I Care For Artificial Teeth?

Once your gums have healed completely after the procedure, you’ll take care of your dental implant – supported teeth just like you would take care of natural teeth. That includes regular brushing and flossing. You should continue to have regular dental checkups so that your dentist can monitor the oral health of your gums and the condition of your dental implants.

Reason for bone loss around implant / implant failure

-peri -implantitis is a condition which may occur around implant due to bacteria ,plaque deposits which  if left untreated can lead to implant failure. 

-Inadequate bone support: if there is insufficient amount of healthy bone around the implant that may lead to implant failure over time

-Overloading or excessive chewing force: dental implant is designed to withstand normal chewing and bitting fore but is excessive and uneven forces like teeth grinding(bruxism), uneven bite can  overload the  implant and surrounding bone which over the time can lead to bone loss .

-certain conditions such as osteoporosis ,uncontrolled diabetes, smoking can affect implant health long term.

How Long Do Implant Last?

Implants are meant to serve as long-term, tooth-replacement options for false teeth. A successful implant that is done properly and taken care of with good oral hygiene can last a lifetime. The documented success of our implant is 35 years with a 95% success rate.

Reasons to choose our dental clinic for Dental Implants

• In-house 3D CT Scan for accurate implantation.
• In-house Lab for 2 days crown fabrication.
• No more annoying alginate impressions.
• Cerec Technology : Intra oral Scanning and computerized crown milling.
• We use highly advanced and precise Straumann Swiss Implants.


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